Day 3 

On this third and last day of the project, the committees present their resolutions in the General Assembly which will be debated. In the end, there is a vote on whether to pass the resolution or not.

Topics and results of the debates


Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
The ITRE Committee with the chair persons Mats Stahlberg and Marvin Müller wanted to dissolve the problem that the EU is mostly dependent on the energy of autocratic nations, especially Russia. The solution was to continue to reduce reliance on Russian gas and prioritize partnerships with nations sharing its core values, under clean criteria. 

Approved 22 
Rejection 33 
Abstention 6 
Missing 3 


Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
With Jonas Heschl and Cosima Grüter as their chair persons the delegates made suggestions on how economies within the EU can be strengthened to be independent from authoritarian regimes such as China, Russia. Among others, they suggested an increased import of energy sources from other supplier countries and establishing financial subsidies for stimulating the EU's economy.

The resolution did not pass
Approval 22 
Rejection 35 
Abstention 2 
Missing 3 


The committee on Foreign Affairs II
In their resolution they suggested how to become more independent from massive powers, especially from the USA if Donald Trump becomes president again. They also want the EU to collaborate more with other countries regarding the goals stated in the Paris Agreement and put sanctions on the US should it actually leave the agreement in a second term of Trump. Their message is clear: Europe should act in a united way and economically strong countries should support smaller ones. Other committees were sceptical concerning the question if it made sense for Europe to collaborate less with the USA and more with China or Iran, but in the end the resolution. However, the AFET II delegates could convince a majority to vote in favour of the suggestions.

The resolution passed:
23: for
20: against


Committee on foreign affairs I
The Abuse of human rights in autocratic countries was the topic that AFET I, with Emma Spiertz and Alissa Milera as chair persons, had been working on during the past days. They came up with the solution of raising taxes for China as a mechanism of pressure to get into discussions with the Chinese regime about human rights, in order to achieve better work conditions and a higher pay raise for the workers. Also a financial aid platform should be opened to help individuals to immigrate into European countries and build up their own existence.

The resolution passed
approval: 46
rejection: 6


Subcommittee on Security and Defense
SEDE wants the armies of multiple democratic countries to receive the same training, so that they will be able to learn from each other. The countries that are supposed to be included are the ones that need the help of others as well as those which can offer exactly that. Furthermore, they would combine their recources, so that they would have access to the nuclear weapons of France, this could protect them because they will not be attacked as long as they control these nuclear weapons. They would not be creating a big European army, as some committees were concerned, but rather sharing their knowledge. Some committees stated concerns that other countries may feel threatened by the countries working together and this could potentially lead to a war.

This resolution did not pass
24: in favor
25: against


Committee on Constitutional Affairs
This committee discussed how the bond between the European constitutions and the European people can be strengthened to also reinforce the democratic system. Their resolution was to increase the participation in European elections by symbolic benefits and digital elections for instance, reforming the election system to a majority election system and letting people vote candidates all over Europe. Unfortunately, the other committees had concerns how secure the digital election system is, if it can be dangerous for diplomatic relations and if the symbolic gifts really bring a change for their costs.

In the end, their resolution did not pass:
26 votes for
32 votes against


With the chair persons Joana Froebel and Jette Jahnke this committee addressed the problem of misleading medical information on the internet as well as fake news in general and what to do against them. The committee came up with the idea of a secure web browser with an app to provide reliable information and feeds, verified by pictures, audios and statements, and with maximum security in terms of the risk of being hacked.

However, after critical questions and debates, their resolution did not pass.

26 votes for
32 votes against

Impressions of the General Assembly

"It is the best way to learn how the European parliament works."

- Andrei Dunareanu (RO) 

"I haven't done this before and I came here to just challenge myself!"

- Emilia Bensalem (SE)

"During the debate I was really shaking and I was very nervous to do something that leads us into not getting our point but in the end I was very happy because we did great!" 

- Jule Wenndorf (DE)

"I am impressed that the motivation is as present as it is, even if the event is mandatory for the whole of 12th grade. "

- Tanja Willi (CH), accompanying teacher 

Greeting messages

This year, once again politicians from the European Parliament and the German Bundestag (Parliament) decided to leave messages to encourage the participants. These messages were played at the beginnong of the GA today. We want to thank them for having taken their time!

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Niclas Herbst (member of the European Parliament, CDU)

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Bettina Hagedorn (member of the German "Bundestag", SPD)

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Delara Burkhardt (member of the European Parliament, SPD)

Speech by Eutin's mayor at the General Assembly  

The mayor of Eutin, Sven Radestock, delivered an opening speech for the EYP 2024 during which he emphasised the importance of making one's voice heard and voting.

Afterwards we had the opportunity to have an intervew with him:
Would you have wished for an event like this when you were younger?

"Well indeed I had some experiences like this. I’ve been at a meeting of international groups, from England, from Ireland, from Spain, but we did not have such a debate with a parliament – we spoke about how to cope with angry people and so. But we did not have such a parliament and I do really like it and I think it’s a great project that you part on. "

Do you think that young people today are more politically engaged than when you were young? 

"No, I don’t think so. They have other opportunities to say what they want. But when I was young – many years ago – there are already some young people who are engaged. But it was different. The part of the political parties was a different one. Today the young people say what they want, but it’s a long way to really take part. I hope, if you make a program like this, that young people are full of power, that they want to go on and go on and really do politics. "

Do you think that such events can offer potential for the future?

"Yeah, maybe. I hope that you have a great discussion and I would like to see them again in our political discussions, yes."

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The GA has now been officially opened!

The two presidents, Carla Rathjen and Oliver Knoll, held a speech at the beginning of the General Assembly that is taking place in the "Kreishaus Eutin" today.

Resolution booklet

Now you can find the booklet with the resolutions that are going to be debated in today's General Assembly  if you click on the link below.