People and teams
These groups and people form the European Youth Parliament project Eutin 2024 and keep it running:
The Presidents of the EYP 2024
Oliver Knoll and Carla Rathjen are former graduates from Weber-Schule. They organized important parts of the EYP, instructed the chairs on Thursday and will manage the General Assembly.
The committees:
Committee on Foreign Affairs I
AFET I works on suggestions to answer the following questions:
How should the EU handle political relations with regional powers that infringe the aims and values of the European Union? Can the EU maintain political relations to the theocratic and autocratic nations China, Iran and Russia?
What stance should the EU take towards nations that violate human rights more and more openly?
Committee on Foreign Affairs II
AFET II works on suggestions to answer the following questions:
Will the USA still be a close and trustworthy ally of the EU?
How should the EU prepare for a second term of Donald J. Trump?
Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
ECON works on suggestions to answer the following questions:
In the context of the persisting economic dependence from globalized markets, how can economies within the EU be strengthened to be independent from authoritarian regimes such as China, Russia and Iran and industrial powers such as the US under Trump? What contribution could the strengthening of the currency EURO provide in creating an economically independent EU? How can this economic shift be shaped to be sustainable and socially just?
Committee of Culture and Education
CULT works on suggestions to answer the following questions:How can European democracies increase their resilience from foreign attempts of destabilization?
How can especially younger citizens be educated to withstand the onslaught of Fake News?
Subcommittee on Security and Defense
SEDE works on suggestions to answer the following questions:
How can we protect our independence, defend our values, promote stability and prevent global security crises? How can the EU strengthen its military position, to have more weight globally?
Committee of Industry, Research and Energy
ITRE works on suggestions to answer the following questions:
How can the Europe’s demand for energy be met without being dependent from autocratic nations? To what extent is it feasible or advisable to end energy dependency altogether? How can the industrial transformation towards carbon-neutrality come to fruition?
Committee of Constitutional Affairs
AFCO works on suggestions to answer the following questions:
How can the EU be made more democratic to gain more support from the citizens? How can the EU be made more efficient in averting crises and tensions? How should the European Union evolve through reform of treaties?
These teams keep the project up and running:
The Media Team
Documents the project and keeps you updated!
The Catering Team
Organization of wonderful catering, provides us with loads of coffee and plans social activities
The accompagnying teachers of the international delegations
They have sacrificed their weekend to travel to Eutin with their students.
The Teachers
They are responsable for the organisation of the whole event